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Day 2 - Portion

Psalms 73:26 (NKJV)
26 My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

It is so easy and natural for the heart to follow the whims of the flesh to a condition of weakness and failure. What we “feel” like and the things that are craved will lead us to: a place of repose and away from the gym, the theater instead of Bible study, irresponsibility and away from commitment, rest over faithful diligence, the candy and carbs over the organic veggies and protein, endless demands of an immediate gratification over health and productivity. With every yielding to the flesh, however, the heart is compromised in its natural and spiritual strength.  The body is degraded by substances that enable decay and disease, while the belief and motivation of the heart for good are also weakened. Where the flesh is the lord, it always yields weakness and failure. It’s only in a discipline that comes in submission to wisdom that the heart can be led back to a place of strength and vitality. As the whines of the flesh are ignored for the instruction of understanding and truth, the way is made to unfailing physical and spiritual strength.

 While the flesh’s urgency for immediate pleasure produces weakness, we’ve been given a much more substantial and eternal provision of reward in life that is ours in Christ. With reliance on Him for guidance, there will also be corresponding denial of a flesh demand. For Him to be our portion, there must be a place made that once found its expectation in the flesh. In setting aside a period for this, where a flesh requirement is put on hold while the heart of God is given exclusive access, the thing that will fail is displaced by an encounter with and revelation of the One who faithfully guides us as disciples in a way that disallows the flesh as any corrupting portion.  God is our portion as a strengthening and enabling portion only as the cravings of the flesh are intentionally cut off for the promptings of the Spirit. He is continually providing an unshakeable opportunity for the one who makes Him their exclusive portion.  


"It is to an alone time with my Father that my soul goes in the times when it is challenged, where it discovers its purpose and is prepared for a demonstration of His power.”
Matthew 14:13,23


"My soul will declare and sing of my Father’s great goodness, righteousness, mercy and longsuffering that are displayed as a praise in all of His works.”
Psalm 145:7-10


“I do not let any corrupt words come from my mouth, but only speak good things that encourage and minister grace to anyone that hears.”
Ephesians 4:29


"The Holy Spirit helps me to remember and understand the truth that is mine in Christ."
John 14:26



"I will hold onto God’s faithful promise of a long, healthy and satisfied life.”
Hebrews 10:23, Psalm 91:16


“As I seek the Lord and tremble in His presence, I have assurance that I will not lack for anything.”
Psalm 34:9-10

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